About Us

We publish the successful niche magazines known as Pacific Yachting and British Columbia Magazine. For over 50 years, OP Media Group has focused on boating in the Pacific Northwest and authoritative insights on travel, culture, history, photography, nature and adventure to help them celebrate, share and learn about British Columbia in its entirety.

British Columbia Magazine has been BC's scenic geographic and travel quarterly since it was launched in 1959. We strive to inform and entertain our readers with in-depth and highly visual story packages that present the natural diversity of this province and the many opportunities for exploration and adventure. We maintain a long tradition of well-researched stories that cover parks, wilderness, and wildlife, travel destinations, outdoor adventure, and recreation, geography, ecology, conservation, science, and natural phenomena, remarkable people, First Nations culture, heritage places, and history. To provide the greatest breadth and depth of BC coverage, the magazine employs a talented pool of British Columbian writers, photographers, illustrators, and editors. While the magazine is aimed primarily at British Columbians, we enjoy a worldwide readership of more than 400,000 annually.

As Western Canada's pre-eminent boating magazine, Pacific Yachting provides a passageway to reach the elusive, affluent consumer in an environment that speaks to them. Every issue, our editors, writers and designers consistently deliver our loyal readers a rewarding and memorable experience, and ensuring advertisers a high calibre environment to showcase their business. As the voice of recreational boating in British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and Alaska, our readers turn to Pacific Yachting magazine for trusted advice on and off the pages of the magazine. We are heavily involved in event sponsorships, boat shows, regattas, fundraisers, charitable events and more.

Outdoor Group Media is our sister corporation, thus making Outdoor Canada and BC Outdoors our sister publications.


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